
tears webbed over shadow and flakes of stars eyes shut closed in the dark

—afraid of the hollow eyes of the midevil mask the clouds drape in the sky the typewriter types a sad sad song old boxes and treasures in the antique mall collect dust as unfeeling hallow eyes scan over forgotten gold the typewriter types the starry starry night the painter paints the starry starry night oh mascarade.. oh mascarade life is just a mascarade

—with a poker face as your shield and hope of the stars as gaurdians

the typewriter types the sad sad song the painter sighs beneath his mask

Monday, November 1, 2010

life-- a strange thing.
what is it? i wonder... dreams.. strange things.. strange visions... and strange wishes.
i sometimes wonder what will happen.. what will happen to me. what will i do. will i change the world. will i save a life.. will i do all the things i have dreamed of?
i don't really want to know.. but i do wonder.

i wonder why all of these things happen. sadness.. death.. depression, abuse.. hurt.. all of these things.. to teach us lessons, to shape us and prune us into what we will become.. but then sometimes people don't learn from their mistakes.. well really almost always..
i want to learn from my mistakes.. will i?
i want to learn. i want to be ambitious.. and driven.. but sometimes i just feel overwhelmed. does being overwhelmed mean your not smart? i don't know.. but i don't really have to.. i just have to keep going.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

life is strange isn't it.
things i like=
sherlock holmes

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

dear blog,
sometimes i am angry.. i am angry at those who treat recklessly the little ones.. the little ones being me.
note to 'him'= you are never going to find anyone who loved you as much as i did. just saying.
but i don't love you like i did yesterday...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


today i am reveling in the amazingness of google. seriously google, if you were a man, i would most deffinately marry you!

also, i am trying to live in the moment.. that is something that i often times fail to do. . .
also... i am trying to be more active.. just for reasons of health.. and i know your saying (then why are you even writing on your stupid blog?) well.. frankly.. i have no idea!!
things i like about life=
i really like the 'potterybarness' of life.
and i love the barbieness of life... (watch barbie movies to know what i mean)
i have to watch the summer ones in the summer.. and then they inspire me.. to say.. go swimming! well.. thats about it.

Monday, July 12, 2010

missing you=

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

random fact #1 i just read this really sad poem that lewis carol wrote at the beggining of 'through the looking glass' and it is soo sad! he was in love with her! but they were 'half a life assunder'
isn't that so sad! and horrible!
i am kind of shocked...i mean.. i knew that he was sort of creepy in a child loving sort of way.. but it was only today that i found proof!
i mean.. maybe he wasn't serious. but still.. it seems really sad and creepy. :((
welll anywayss...

random fact #2 sometimes math really bothers me.
sometimes it just gets on my nerves!

oh so guess what! princess and the frog is like the best movie ever! i loved it! ! ! ! it was so sweet and inspiring and great!

ok... there is this series of books about these cat worriors.. and they look really good. they are called like.. moon.. and twilight.. and the midnight and stuff like that..
i really want to read them..
right now i feel like.. sometimes things just go bad.. sometimes things are strange and sad.. and there is not really much you can do about it.. but you just have to keep going.
oh i heard this saying.. thats like.. butterflies over the amazon can stir up a hurricane on the other side! i thought that was amazing..

** sometimes i feel like. .. like dreams are so hard to get. like.. how is it that some people are so lucky.. and others aren't. i supposed its destiny or whatever.
but.. there is all this work you have to do for your dream carreer. . but what if you do all that.. and then you hate your dream! it would be horrible!
anywayss.. i have decided to just follow my dreams anyways.. and if they fail.. then i can just start over.. sort of..
well anyways..
if anwyone is reading this. there is something really random and out of context that i have to say. - everything happens for a reason. even when you make the biggest mistake and you hate yourself for it.. there is something amazing and awesome that will come from it! (ok. over)